if i was a cat

if i was a cat

Mornin’, y’all. Happy Wednesday. I’m currently camping out on the couch with the two cats. Shawshank is outside, having a smoke. I’ve been up since around 4am. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t. Instead, I laid in bed and tossed all morning. All in all, it was not a good morning.

Since Shawshank wasn’t feeling very good yesterday, we pretty much sat on the couch all day. He called his boss in the morning to talk about what needed to be done at work, and then we watched TV from the couch all day. His Mom recently added Paramount+ to her Amazon Prime account, which he has turned into a Star Trek: Discovery binge. I didn’t even bother putting real clothes on.

I bought presents for my nephews yesterday. The younger one is easy to shop for: toys. The older one is past that easy-to-buy-for stage. I asked my mom for suggestions. She said clothes, but warned me that he will only wear Nike or Under Armour. I’m in agreement with my mom; it’s not that he won’t wear them, more like my sister probably won’t put him in anything she doesn’t consider a “real” brand. Regardless of my thoughts on the matter, I bought what he wanted. I’d rather give him something he’ll use than let my annoyance of spending money on a fucking logo get the better of me. In my heart, I know I’d be more annoyed if I wasted money on something he didn’t use.

I don’t have anything on my schedule for today. I may try to nap, or I could take a bubble bath and then nap. If I was a cat, I wouldn’t feel so badly about living like one.


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