Ich bin eine Kartoffel

Ich bin eine Kartoffel

DUCK YES IT’S FRIDAY. It’s been a long week. I know that sounds fucking ridiculous because I literally do nothing but exist on a daily basis. But I feel it.

I feel it in my bones.

I went to the UPS store and shipped out my Chromebook. According to the email I received and some of what I read on the Acer website, they strive to have repairs complete within 7-10 days. I’m hoping to have it back in about 3 weeks.

Fortunately, I was able to find some spin time yesterday. Mentally, both flow sessions were very much needed. I’ve been really down the last couple of days. Monday and Tuesday were ok. From Wednesday onward – once it was certain the dispo I interviewed at least week wasn’t going to call and order me a job – I’ve felt like I’m simply a pointless potato.

In between spins, I spent way too much time rotting my brain scrolling through TikTok. I didn’t even pay Baldur’s Gate 2 like I have been after dinner.

Three of the terrariums are airing out again, stockings on the jars and everything. The Apothecarium looks way better than it has been since its creation. After last week’s airing, Teensycola, Fern Gully, and Terra 3 were good for a few days. Alas, my joy was shortlived, and they’re still at a stage best described as “deep bayou”. One more day of air will help balance the system immensely, I think.

Today will hopefully be better. The weather reports day there’s a low chance of rain, and I’m hoping to go outside and paint.

Today is also the last Friday of lent, and the last day to get fish and chips at the VFW. Later, I have a treat for dessert.

yes i see that typo. I’m not touching it. 🦆


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