I want another tattoo again.

I want another tattoo again.

Hey ya’ll. Happy Sunday. The sun’s out again, nary a proper cloud in the sky, only a few wispy things. Chaucer is watching TV this morning. Brian is outside already, washing his truck before the heat really turns up. Unfortunately, my coffee cup is much like the weather lately: too hot.

Chaucer and I sat on the patio yesterday afternoon. He didn’t spot any lizards, so he was content with the hot rock. He rolled around on the concrete while I ate a frogurt pop.

In addition to the joy of (potentially) cursed frogurt, We had a fun-filled day of shopping. I remembered to buy allergy pills, but forgot to pick up bug spray. I didn’t check out the clearance clothes, as I’m trying to cut down on shit again.

Brian was having a stir-crazy afternoon, and suggested we go to Hobby Lobby at some point. I will never turn down an opportunity to go to any craft store, regardless of shittiness. I took advantage of the 50% off sale and picked up two new jars on the cheap. My plan is to transplant Teensycola and Fern Gully into new glass. I have no idea if this is a good idea or not; logically, I don’t see it as any worse than keeping ferns bent over to grow.

Today’s weather should be nice enough to go outside. I don’t know what I’ll do, or if I’ll do much. It really will depend on whether or not I want to deal with the heat. Poi will be sweatier.

We’re back on schedule to go to the Compound for dinner tonight. Brian’s parents are back from their camping trip. I believe we’ve been tasked with bringing snacks again.

I need to put clothes on. I don’t want to move.


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