The dysfunction is not FUN, I was told there was FUN in the dysfunction.

The dysfunction is not FUN, I was told there was FUN in the dysfunction.

Friday. FRIIIIIIDAY. Fucking finally. I don’t know why this week has been so long for me, or just so…. ungood. It feels longer, and the nonstop shitty weather has done little for my mood. I haven’t been out for some proper spin time since last weekend. If it isn’t raining, the humidity has been so bad it may as well be.

I had another shitty sleep. Last night, I went to sleep pretty much right after Shawshank and I said good night. Unfortunately, that meant I was up at 5am again this morning. The wet weather is keeping the air temps lower, which would be nice sleeping weather in any other case. At the same time, I can’t open the window and let some air in my room because the AC is still on all the damned time. Even if I could open the window in my room, there’s still so much humidity that I’d feel even more moist than I already do half the time.

We did the stuff we planned to do yesterday, namely going to Mom‘s doctor appointment. I stopped on the way home and ran into the smoke shop to buy some vape carts for the next couple of weeks, and treated myself to some peanut butter balls. I told the guy they were my Friday night treat. He looked at me in shock and asked, “Both?” My brother in Christ are you trying to kill me? Eating one of them has me floaty, eating two would have me in orbit. They are a treat. I get one a week, if that, because they knock me on my ass. If I had access to that tub of them, no one would hear from me for a couple of years, at least not until I reach the James Webb telescope.

Also on the list of things that are annoying me:

  • the rain is keeping me from going through the shit in my truck. I need to see what’s in there that was brought from Rhode Island, because I haven’t touched it in over a year and Shawshank has probably some of it. Like, there’s no need for me to bring up more soup bowls or cast iron pans.
  • I’m depressed as fuck. I consider myself extremely lucky I don’t normally get the whole stereotypical moodiness associated with PMS. Unfortunately, over the last year, shit’s gotten a bit fucky in that regard. I won’t get into the nitty gritty. No one needs that, but suffice to say this month is hitting me hard.
  • My ADHD manifests as executive dysfunction these days, and HOLY SHIT. I do absolutely nothing, because I can’t fucking do anything. I just …. don’t. It’s fucking paralyzing and I’m honestly not having a good time. I have had tabs open in Chrome for over a week now, right there to remind me to do something. Do I do the thing? No. Because it’s scary and new and different and I fucking can’t. And that just shunts me right back to the previous point, because now I’m depressed that I don’t/can’t/won’t do what I fucking need to do.

I started Subnautica yesterday. If I bought it, I should play it, regardless of the buyer’s remorse over the $15 I spent. I’m having a lot of trouble not being so cautious (too much getting my ass handed to me in Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen lately). I’m also not super comfortable with first person style, so I’m trying to get used to that as well. That was the main reason I returned Bioshock after 3 days, I’m just awful at controlling it. I’m not sure if that’s a ME problem or if just adjusting the stick sensitivity will make up for my shit control.

Today, we can expect more rain. There’s still a flash flood warning for the area. So I think I’m going to get dressed and do the same shit I always/never do.

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