I think I found Cthulhu in my terrarium.

I think I found Cthulhu in my terrarium.

Good morning, and happy weekend. I woke up early, and confused about which day it was. Such is the way of the Hermit Girl- no schedule, live for today, no matter the day mindset. Something like that, anyway.

Yesterday was an extremely frustrating day. You see, I wanted to go outside and do something. Anything. Unfortunately, the wind was far too strong to do anything outside. Between the wind whipping around and the low humidity, the air felt somewhat cool. It was not a day for outdoor painting.

It was also not a day for a controlled burn, but the local authorities are fucking amoebas and did it anyway.

So….. indoor shit only. Got it.

I tidied my room a little, since I had laundry to put away anyway. Since I’m trying to be an adult, I folded it all and put it in the dresser. I sorted the dirty baskets so I can do another load later this weekend. Based on my own personal, informal laundry schedule, I think this is jeans week.

Every time I went into my bedroom, I looked through the Apothecarium for more baby snails. The battle against the insurgents raged on for most of the day. I scooped two out from the “nest”, offering up my assistance before they could dig themselves out.

Battlefront Report

  • 25 baby snails moved outside
  • 2 adults moved outside
  • 3 AWOL baby snails lost in the bedroom
  • 2 ferns eaten

Aside from the loss of the ferns, the Apothecarium looks fine. I need to do some minor maintenance in an effort to cut down on the algae. In spite of the creeping green scum, I believe I may have won the snail war.

Some Sketchy Activities

I sketched for the better part of the afternoon. The first sketch is of a grain elevator in one of TinyTown‘s neighboring towns. I took a picture of it while I was up north, fully intending on painting it “at some point”. The second is a church in Germany.

There’s actually a third house as well, one of my grandparents’ houses from my childhood. I didn’t include it here because I don’t like the way it turned out. I have more trouble with subjects that I’m familiar with, probably because I know how they’re supposed to look and it doesn’t look right.

At some point, the wind will die down and I’ll have a couple of weeks’ worth of sketches ready to go under the brush.


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