I shouldn’t have looked at them because now I want to buy them.

I shouldn’t have looked at them because now I want to buy them.

Good day, my friends. I woke up to more sunshine and shit. Specifically, I woke up to this shit.

This isn’t even its final form: this doesn’t factor for humidity.

Mom just got out of the shower. She wants to go outside “before it gets too warm” and work in the garden. I think this is a phenomenally dumb idea, but you can’t argue with her. We’re already up to “too warm”. The current air temp is 83° 🦅 and feels like 92° 🦅 after the humidity is added into that shit.

Shawshank asked me what I did yesterday. I feel bad when I say I sat inside all day. You can’t go outside in this shit. It’s fucking pointless, we’re burning up under the patio umbrella. I went outside for a little while to manage Vault 5, which I knocked off the sill right before we left for the airport on Sunday morning. Even that was hot. I waited until the sun set before I even attempted to get some spin time in my day.


I just grabbed my vape from the other end of the bed with my toes so I guess that’s just the type of human I am tonight. #flowmiesoftiktok #flowmies #ledpoi #flowtoys

♬ original sound – DSharp

I was outside for around 40 minutes last night. Things were humid and I went inside after a knob slipped out of my hands one too many times. I’m currently waiting for new leashes to show up from Flowtoys. The pods’ leashes are old and stretch when I spin, and we all know how much I love those fucking pods. But…. I really want some of these, too. Like, a lot.

Looks like I’ll need to sell some paintings.

Since today is supposed to be even worse, I’m planning to hotbox the bathroom and sketch stuff. It’s Friday, which means no one is cooking, and Mom said we’re ordering from the barbecue place tonight.


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