I should go outside and do a workout.

I should go outside and do a workout.

Good morning, my friends. It’s an overcast and fucking muggy morning. Yuck.

I plan to go outside and do a workout anyway. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to stand it. The earlier I go outside, the better.

I’d like to say I was a productive adult yesterday, but I’d be lying. I went out for about 45 minutes, but that was it. The first trip was into the pot shop to grab a vape, then off to the post office and sent another box up to Shawshank. The latest box is the handful of DVDs and PlayStation games I kept, and a couple of custom ponies.

Shawshank pointed out he doesn’t have anything to watch the DVDs with. Details. I was asked to save them.

Happily, I didn’t need to use my GPS at all during my travels. I can get to both places from Mom‘s house, but had never tried to go to both in the same trip. It’s not much, but it’s something to me. I have no sense of direction. Getting around is a big thing for me. I’m sure I’ll just start to know the basics about this area and the border will open up.

That wouldn’t be a bad thing. I read an article this morning about things potentially loosening up at the border later this month. It gives me a bit of hope.

Aside from this morning’s scheduled workout, I want to go out and buy some cat food. That’s about it for the day.


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