I say I’ll game but I’ll probably read updates and speculation on southern lawyers and missing YouTubers

I say I’ll game but I’ll probably read updates and speculation on southern lawyers and missing YouTubers

Greetings and salutations, my good people. I bid you a good morning, and a happy Saturday. Alas, the rain continues.

Yesterday wasn’t as bad as it could have been. There was plenty of precipitation. Not enough to cause anymore flooding in the area; instead, just enough to keep us inside. We went to the laundromat and now we’ve restocked the clean underwear supplies. I was happy to go there, as I’d much rather pay $10 to not go to the Compound to wash clothes.

The rain finally stopped after dinner, but I wasn’t feeling the drive to go outside and spin. I played Assassin’s Creed 3 for a while before dinner, but saved and set the Switch to handle its recent update while we ate. After the system reboot, it defaulted to the Witcher 3 cartridge as its first choice.

And really, who am I to argue with the universe?

I think it’s just food shopping today. I don’t have anything I really need to buy this time around. I really just want to wear don’t comfy clothes and chill all day.

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