Good morning, world. We’re up. It’s been a morning for me already. I woke up around 2am, warm and uncomfy. Shawshank‘s arm was trapped under me. He got up to use the toilet, I rearranged myself, and dozed until around 4, when I woke up again. I hit the vape, and received another 2 hours of dozing in return.
He had yesterday off, and we didn’t do anything. I put the robot overlords to work again, coaxing ChatGPT to expand on my idea for a database to track hashtag performance. I wanted to be able to enter overall media performance – views and average engagement time – plus the same info on the hashtags used for each post. For workflow smoothness, the data entry page pulls all the hashtags from a database, and I can fill in the blanks with the number of views and average engagement times. In another timeline I’m productive as fuck and fully intend to update metrics over time. Consequently, the plugin lets me edit stored entries so I can update stats.
Currently, it mostly works, aside from one tiny little bug.
It won’t save the hashtags during the data entry process.
Experience has taught me that robot Tony Stark gets things a little hazy after a couple of hours of coding, so I’ll dump my file into a new chat and ask it to figure out why it won’t save hashtag data when it saves all the other metrics.
Other than that, yesterday was pretty normal. Today will be similarly normal. Shawshank is working, and I’m going to try to get this shit working so I can completely abandon it in two weeks like I do everything else in life.