Good morning, world. Friday has arrived. We have sunshine, and no wind, and warmth. It’s lovely outside. I managed to stay asleep until about 6am today. I quietly snuggled and pet Chaucer and scrolled through what remains of my Reddit feed until we needed to leave the bed. Pippin popped up and came close enough for me to boop her snoot and then ran off again.
I tried to be productive and get on top of selling the extra pants. I tried, I really did. I’m still in the initial setup phase of Etsy. I need to take better pictures. Yesterday, I set up the camera outside and tried to take some candid “look at how comfortable you could be while doing these perfectly normal things!” pics, but failed dismally.

The outdoor light was great for pics, but terrible for trying to see what was on the screen. Half the pics didn’t turn out well because there was a watering can spout cutting into me. On top of that, when I uploaded what I had, Etsy‘s system complained they weren’t large enough. I need to fuck with my camera resolution, or have Shawshank to take a few for me. So far, it’s very sunny outside this morning. Maybe I’ll try to take some better pics later in the afternoon, when the sun moves to a different side of the house. I don’t have a nice background to shoot against, so “candid” is really all I can do.
Why can’t it just be easy and painless? Take the pics, upload them, pixels be damned. It’s not like I’m using a potato phone. I have the text typed up, generic enough to be copy/pasted for each listing. Usually that would be the more annoying part for me, but I made a robot do the job instead.
Aside from the potential of taking some pics of me wearing pants, today is no different than any other weekday. The vacuum will come out and do its thing just after Shawshank this morning, which means I’ll have a nice clean floor to fuck up with afternoon activities. Will I stream some bullshit? Indubitably. Tonight is date night, and tomorrow is the town-wide yard sale.
I’m trying to hydrate and not be too much of a sloth. I’m failing both.
I’m really digging the velvet looking burgundy/black outfit, and the pink and stripes are rocking about as hard. Good stuff Crystal, Shawshank is one lucky dude!!!