When the landlord came today, he measured everything by Shawshank (voidifremoved.net)

Now let me tell you, I’ve never wrote or scribbled in a book. Well, my college text books, but not a novel. But in this one, I’ve written in it. A lot. I’ve added highlighter as well. So much so, that I can’t really lend the book to anyone. It would look like the work of a madman. Maybe that’s what I was working toward.

If anyone ever wanted to know how Shawshank spent his 105 days in ICE detainment, he read House of Leaves at least five times, and was inspired to actually do a write-up on it.

1 Comment

  1. I think it was 5 or 6 times while there, and once while I waited for my flight out of Montreal.

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