THE WEEKEND IS HERE. Which is fabulous, because my Friday sucked fucking ass.
I was just finishing yesterday’s post when the internet started to hiccup. The news program on TV dropped, replaced by the Roku home screen. My laptop lost its wifi. Whatever. I need to start the day anyway, I might as well take that as a push from the universe. I sit down to do my makeup, pop in some ear buds, and start the process.
Now, the wifi isn’t quite dead, it’s only mostly dead. My phone connects, gives me just enough juice to tickle the taint, but as soon as I try to actually do anything, the connection drops again and I’m back on LTE+. The music only wants to stream locally saved playlists. But I don’t want that music. I want a full chaos library. On top of that, I’m hyper-fixating on stuff that requires a proper internet connection. The less I can do, the more I want to do, and the more frustrated I get.
What was I fixated on, you might ask? I had a song stuck in my head that I wanted to add to my playlist. I didn’t know any lyrics, only a general “beat”. First, I tried Google, but my search was too broad. Next, I tried to use one of those sites where you can tap out a song’s beat and it will try to figure it out. It utterly failed in helping. I moved on to forcing ChatGPT to generate lists of “classic rock songs that finish with a repeated chorus and might have the word ‘mama’ in it”. Hours later, I burst out of the bathroom, singing the song. I felt like it took me so long to pull those lyrics out of my head, I would immediately and entirely forget them if I stopped singing it.

Fansly recently updated their creator dashboard to show us stats on the hashtags we use. The usual suggestion is to use no more than 10 hashtags per post, to avoid looking like spam. Most people use a mix of general and media-specific tags. I tend to favor a similar method, using tags to categorize “who” I am and “what” the media is, I guess. I’ve started seeing a lot more interactions and follows in the last two weeks since I started rethinking my tagging strategy.
I find it super interesting that the more specific tags get me the most views, but it makes sense. “Milf” might have 81 million views compared to the 18 million “mature” has, but I get more engagement overall under the latter. It’s really helping to narrow down niches to push into.
Has it translated into more subscribers? No – not yet. I still hover around 5-7 people who willingly pay to watch me take naked pics awkwardly in our living room. However, I’ve only just started to really narrow down what tags do well for me. I expect if I keep things going, I’ll see some improvement.
Today is Shawshank‘s last day of work for the week. He’ll come home this afternoon, we’ll figure out some dinner, and watch a movie tonight. I need to take out my hair, and finish up the last of the new locs. Let’s get the day going.