historic jubblies

historic jubblies

Mornin’, loves. Happy Thursday. I’ve finally woken up and actually known what day it is. The day dawns bright, the neighborhood diesel is loud, and the Queen yet lives.

We’ve been staying inside. The outside temp has been above average over the last couple of days, and with extra humidity to boot. It’s too sticky to be out for very long. I ventured to the far end of the yard to look at the flowers coming up at the fence line, and that was enough for me.

A fucking flower.  I don't know.
Looks like a plant.

Instead, I booted up Dragon’s Dogma and died multiple times. We’re talking a lot. I’m so used to Skyrim‘s world where I can run around and maybe find a bandit camp after running for a few minutes. For the most part, my enemies in Skyrim are usually solo. Things are a bit better in Witcher III, with its packs of a few wolves or small enclaves of creatures in addition to the camps. Fucking Dragon’s Dogma, though. The wolf packs are much bigger, the camps are bigger and unavoidable, and WAAAAY MORE SHIT WANTS TO KILL YOU AT NIGHT.

But I want to go outside. I want to paint. Even if I don’t go out and spin or paint, I might go on the front patio and game a little. If I can get myself outside early enough, there’s a chance.

Unfortunately, as I’m pouring myself a second cup of coffee and looking at the calendar, I’m realizing it’s not a good day to bring out a project.


In addition to sitting around wishing I was actually doing something, Mom has an afternoon appointment today. I absolutely hate the clinic’s parking lot because there is only one opening to the street. If there are no open parking places, you have to back up for half the length of the lot and pray that no one comes in behind you.

Oh well. I’m going to finish coffee #2 and chat with people to wake up.


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