Good morning, people. Happy fucking Wednesday. I’m starting this post a whole 15 minutes early, but will still probably manage to take three hours to post it. The sky is dark, the coffee isn’t done, and none of this is right.

Guess who has two thumbs and slept like dogshit again?
My new game is to come up with new and interesting ways to describe how bad my sleep was when Shawshank asks in the morning. I first woke up at midnight, which is honestly a bit freaky and feels straight up from a horror movie. I was able to go back to sleep without too much trouble. Unfortunately, the rest of the night sucked. I’ve been awake awake since around 4am. It’s really too late to drug myself again and go back to bed at that hour. I could, but don’t expect to behave like a human at 7am when the alarm goes off.
Shawshank blames himself, but personally, I think it’s simply a matter of scheduling. My body doesn’t want more than six hours of sleep. If I’m going to bed two hours earlier than I did in Florida, I’m going to wake up earlier. I also think the melatonin I bought really sucks ass, and isn’t helping at all.
The snow – whether real or just blowing around – stopped yesterday morning. I put on clothes and went outside for approximately four minutes of poi. The air temp was above freezing, but only just. Unfortunately, a thin layer of ice has left a lot of the walkway slick right now. Thankfully, the snow wasn’t deep enough to hinder things too badly. I stayed outside long enough to spin to a song or so, record a bit, and then returned to the warmth of the indoors.
I don’t know what I’ll do today. Two days ago, I sat down and was completely prepared to start rooting the hair in my last custom My Little Pony project. I had all the tools out and was set to pick out hair colors when I realized there was a reason I never rooted the hair. Her paint isn’t finished. There are still some unfinished spots that need to be hit with the airbrush. I don’t have any of the right paint to use, so the pony is back in the project box for the time being.
I’ll figure it out, I guess.