Hello, sunshine.

Hello, sunshine.

Hello, Monday. Hello, world.

I let Shawshank sleep this morning, while I, on the other hand, I was awake around 6am. He asked me not to let him go past 8am, so that’s what I did. I spent the morning lounging and watching videos. The forecast for this week looks fabulous.

We went out for a morning jaunt to the farmer’s market yesterday. The outdoor area had a variety of vendors. They had a handful of booths with food, which all looked good. I counted at least three tables of bullshit crystals that looked straight off TikTok shop. Both clothing tables looked like stock from Shein. One “artist” was selling journals and coffee mugs featuring all of her “original artwork”. Off the top of my head, I can remember at least three radically different art styles. All of it was super-obviously just shit she probably bought from one of the dozen Red Bubble shops that sell the exact same products. The indoor vendor space was a similar mix. Less than half the sellers had actual homemade stuff, the rest were MLM vendors.

Since we didn’t find anything that interested us, we made it back home early enough for Shawshank to make us brunch. Once we stuffed ourselves with breakfast foods, we napped. I grabbed a pillow, he put on a nature show about sharks for me. Unfortunately, we can almost never nap together, because I can’t handle doing so in bed. Instead, I settled in on the couch, and he sprawled out in bed. Later, we headed out to Shady Acres and had dinner.

Shawshank has a closing shift tonight. I’m going to assume a human form and figure out what to do for the morning. I’m a bit anxious about whether or not I have enough locs made for my next install, so I might make a few more just to play it safe.


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