Greetings and salutations, world. Happy Sunday. Would you like a cat? He’s gently used and only takes up half of whatever you’re trying to sit on. Or sleep on. He’s wedged his body between me and Shawshank as usual. I woke up at 5am and found him in the center of the bed: dead center of a fucking king sized bed.
Yesterday was a lazy day. Shawshank had work, and wasn’t back until afternoon. I spent the day reading the D&D player’s handbook and trying to decide what sort of character I want to create. At the moment, I’m leaning towards gnome, but haven’t quite pinned down a class yet. I haven’t yet begun to even figure out a background for the character, but that’ll come with the class.
Shawshank put out the Christmas decorations after dinner. We don’t have much because we have two asshole cats who won’t let us have nice things. Last year, I came up with a couple of reproduction vintage deer. This year, we have the (actually) vintage ceramic Christmas tree. We had to set a reminder to turn it off before bedtime because neither of us trusts the light and/or wiring.
Adventures on

Still haven’t made any money, which is not surprising at all. I’m endlessly amused, though. This chat came through on Monday when I was, in fact, probably making myself sick at that very moment.