Good morning, world. Happy Thursday. We’re up, brought out of slumber by Chaucer choosing to hork right beside Shawshank‘s side of the bed. He’s settling in between us on the couch, purring loudly. He’s a sweet boy.
I had a very low-key birthday. Shawshank gave me my present, a snuggly giant hoodie. I replied to my dad’s birthday message on Facebook. Shawshank left the house to go out to the post office and jump our truck, drive it a bit to charge the battery somewhat, and borrow his mom’s vacuum. I took the opportunity to play some Just Dance while he was out. Shawshank came home to find me loading up Divinity: Original Sin 2, making lunch, and hiding his Valentine’s presents.
I spent most of my game time dealing with and turning in some small quests. There are so many quests in this game. So. Many. Quests. While turning in quests, I tested my mettle on a couple of fights I’d been too weak to handle. Since I’d leveled up since my last session, I dealt with the big fight I had loaded up then backed out of the other day, which took me a solid hour at the very least. I lost two of the party in the process, but managed to scrape a victory out of my ass.
Shawshank has work tonight. I’m going to finish my vest, so I can say I’ve accomplished something this week besides aging. Later, I’m going to get gussied up and fuck around on the interwebs.