

Good morning, world. It’s Wednesday. On Wednesdays we wear pink. Unless you’re me right now. I’m wearing the rammy jammies. I can’t be controlled.

Yesterday, Shawshank went to Shady Acres to deal with some chores while his parents were out. On his way to work, he made a detour and picked up my copy of Just Dance (2023) from the post office. Because he’s great, he sent me the redemption code so I could play right away.

Naturally, I fired up the Switch immediately. I warmed up with some easy, familiar songs before attempting a couple of the new ones. I attempted one or two routines before the game crashed.

Rather than try again, I opted to take advantage of the afternoon light to work on some crafts. I pinned the fabric for two pairs of pants, bringing me to three in the works. One pair is a little shorter than I usually make them, but not so bad some cuffs and a waistband won’t fix them.

Today, I expect it’ll be more of the same. I have to look through my creating supplies and see how much elastic I have. I’m fairly sure I need more of the waistband size, but I don’t think I need to order more for the cuffs just yet.


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