

Good morning, world. We reached mid-week, and woke to a sunny, bright Wednesday morning.

I played a lot of Just Dance yesterday afternoon. We’re talking more than 2 hours of playtime. Honestly, I didn’t even notice how long I’d been going. I played for a bit – probably around an hour – then took a break to deal with the wicker trunk and the fabric pile. Once I’d finished, I tried to get into the spin time groove.

Unfortunately, I never really found my flow, and not long after, I loaded up Just Dance again. I got my groove back, and the next 90 minutes flew past. Using some of the playlist options, I played a pretty solid mix of stuff I was good at with a decent number of things I could improve. I managed a couple of high scores on songs I struggle a bit with. Mostly, I just enjoyed dancing until dinner time.

After dinner, I played Skyrim for a couple of hours while I chatted with folks. Not too many assholes stopped in, so I wasn’t as snarky as I could have been. Eventually, I logged off and headed into the tub for an hour of relaxing until Shawshank came home.

He’s working mid-shift today, so I’m going to have another full day of grooving on my own. I have ✨plans✨.


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