gray skies and dance parties

gray skies and dance parties

Another morning. It’s a gray one, and the forecast says it’ll stay that way. I was awake early, before Shawshank‘s alarm, but I either missed the radio or he got to it quick. I tried to sleep, but ended up with only a painfully light doze after a kiss goodbye. Neither of the cats wanted to snuggle, which sucked.

It was a nice afternoon once Shawshank came home. He hadn’t eaten yet, so we went to the little restaurant for a quick bite before going to the thrift shop. Since I’d already had lunch, I snagged some of his fries. I will take any opportunity to get a potato into me. From there we went to the thrift shop.

It was pretty busy when we got in there. Shawshank found me with my hands in a fabric bin, and let me know everything was 50% off.

I ended up finding a couple of pieces of fabric that probably won’t piss me off too much. One bit is a dark, vaguely Asian floral, and the other is solid green. I also grabbed a king sized set- fitted and top sheet. It’s white with black pin stripes, 100% cotton which means it’ll be nicely puffy. I should be able to get at least three pairs out of everything. Unfortunately my skills are not such that I can make a matching top, because it would make a sweet vest.

I’m going to get human, maybe try to be a sexy beast. I have a few pics set to drop over the next few days, but I need some more. I’ve been too lazy and cold to be naked. Then I’ll play some Just Dance, where I have one more (I think) achievement to get before the June event begins. I expect the Just Dance subreddit to heat up as people start bitching about FOMO because they can’t unlock something. I’ve already seen one person upset they’re travelling and have unreliable wifi. Next week, I predict the big topic will be something like the tracking on these maps is bad and that’s why I didn’t Megastar.

And tonight is Date Night, where I’ll stuff myself with more fries, then I’m going to cap it all off with a bubble bath.


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