good ol’ Irish cream irrigation

good ol’ Irish cream irrigation

Hello, fellow people. Our sunshine remains for the time being. The temps aren’t supposed to be quite as warm as yesterday, there’s more clouds, and we might even see some rain today. Over the last few days, we’ve been able to leave the backdoor open for Pippin to look outside. She spent all of yesterday at the door, watching and listening to the birds that filled the pine tree near the patio.

I finished everything on my list of things to do yesterday. While the original schedule changed slightly, I cleaned my plate, so to speak. I assumed the human form before lunch. Shawshank emailed a quick change to make on his shop website, and I fixed that in a couple of minutes. I fucked around with ChatGPT, and made Skynet write the dick rating for my Onlyfans sub who bought one. I prompted it with something like “write a dick rating for one of my Onlyfans subscribers. The dick is spectacularly average, so be flattering, but not fake”.

While my friends and I were loving “the Honda Civic of cocks”, Shawshank suggested that maybe I shouldn’t use it. Another friend commented that she could “hear” the car dealer-esque tone, and that made me push things farther. After prompting it for Dr. Seuss ratings, and I moved on to making it write ratings as Vin Diesel in one of the Fast & Furious movies. It spat out a bunch of car puns, but nothing that screamed “this is Vin”. Unsatisfied, I invoked robot chaos magick.

I enjoyed some spin time in the afternoon, as planned. The views were down, and I didn’t see a lot of my usual traffic. Normally I have a decent amount of people leaving good feedback. Not yesterday, I saw hardly any comments at all. I don’t know if it was the nice weather forcing nicer people outside or what. Of the comments I did see, most of them weren’t as nice. I caught at least two about my age, how I’m too old to exist, let alone being a circus freak on TikTok.

Fuck all that noise. I still net a paid subscriber at some point during 90-minutes of streaming.

Shawshank came home a little early and started dinner for us. I went outside and spun for about 15 minutes while the food finished up. Later, we spent most of the night watching CSI reruns, starting the second season at some point after dinner. Lately, our routine is either Breath of The Wild or CSI until we have a late night bowl of cereal. It works out nicely, and keeps me awake.

Today might not reach yesterday’s highs that let us open the windows, so I probably won’t go outside to spin. Pippin’s still happy enough to look out the door and watch the world.


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