Get Better

Get Better

Good morning, kids. How’s Saturday treating you? So far, Saturday’s a major wanker. I was up in the predawn hours. Mal was loudly digging in the litter box, but HE WASN’T DONE YET. OH NO HE WASN’T.

He proceeded to leave another pile, this time near their food dishes. Then he dry heaved until he woke me up, possibly as a way to alert me to its presence, or due to its stench.

It was maybe 4:30 am at that point. Brian was awake. I’m faced with the decision of what to do with the poo and determining the quietest, easiest method of disposing of it. Most options required me to put on pants and leave my side of the house. I finally used two pages from an antique book to scoop it up and deposit it into the litter box.

Then I got very high and went back to sleep.

I hope this is one of those days where it can only get better from here.


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