Gerudo pants?  No.  Geruduvet.

Gerudo pants? No. Geruduvet.

Good morning, and happy Wednesday. This morning is cooler, and both cats have had the zoomies this morning. I’m wearing a sweatshirt with genie pants. Chaucer worked out the zoomies early and he’s since found a snuggly space on the couch between us. I feel him purring.

Yesterday was warm. The humidity returned in the afternoon, and muggied up everything. Shawshank came home from work early. Hours later, I realized I should have gotten him to go to the secondhand shop with me. Or not. I have projects to finish.

Not that I’m slacking. I’ve finished three pairs of pants in the last two days: two pairs of black and one white pair. The duvet cover was the perfect size; since I’m not spending half an hour wrangling fabric to cut, everything worked up ridiculously quickly. I’m keeping one of the black pairs for myself, and the other two will end up for sale.

After fucking around for most of the weekend installing and configuring a self-hosted shop, I set up something on Etsy again. I really wanted to host something myself, and not lose a chunk of my sales to fees. However, I don’t want to deal with setting up a massive table of shipping costs to the world. Unfortunately, any options for automatically calculating shipping costs come with an annual fee, and I’m not willing to do that.

Etsy it is, I guess. Adjust the price to make up for the fees, and chalk it up to the cost of business.

I managed to go outside and spin for a little while before dinner. I haven’t spun the niiiiice poi much since I left Florida, and they’re heavier than my “indoor” poi. Consequently, my shoulders were really stiff last night. I’m out of shape.

Today’s Wednesday, which means it’s a normal day for us. I want to wash my hair this morning. I should iron the pants I want to sell before I take pictures and list them for sale (c’mon, chicky, be a fucking professional), so that’s on the priority list. Shawshank might borrow some tape from work so I can assemble and cut out a shirt pattern he printed for me yesterday. I’m going to do things, and it’ll be a good day.


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