Fudgey Fitness Frenzy

It’s Saturday. Yay. 🦙🎉

We did the weekly food shopping after dinner last night, as neither of us wants to deal with the world at large in any retail establishment. Our Christmas dinner is going to be a seafood pie, which will be stuffed with crab, fish, shrimp, and scallops, be topped with king crab stuffing, and be fucking awesome all around. Other than that, we don’t have Christmas plans. We did get an invite to a friend’s family Christmas dinner, but technically it would be violating probation to go. I asked if he wanted to go for a couple of hours, to get out. His answer was “I’m not leaving the house on Christmas.” I asked my sister if she’d be home at some point for me to bring over my nephew’s presents, but I haven’t heard back yet. I warned my mother last night, “if I don’t hear back, I’m playing with the r/c car and drinking the boozy Puerto Rican eggnog myself.”

Don’t test me, I’ll do it, that shit’s delicious.

I have a very long workout planned for this morning. I’m pretty sure there’s a new kettlebell hidden in the house somewhere, but I’m behaving myself and not looking for it. Not that I’d really need something heavier, because even with lighter weights, it’s going to be a tough one. I’ve been tweaking the format a little here and there, and I’ve definitely felt the difference.

By the time I’m done killing myself with the weights, it’ll be almost time for him to get home. He’s promised he’ll bring me some lunch. Later this afternoon, we’ll make a couple of batches of fudge and chocolate bark. I want everything finished tonight so we can slice and pack it tomorrow.

Then, I can rest.


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