fucking snow *again*

fucking snow *again*

Good morning, world. It’s another Friday, this time with the added bonus of a blizzard warning. I’ve been up since a little after 6am. I’ll take it. I can handle 6am much better than 4am. Pippin popped up onto the bed, came close enough for me to boop her snoot, then went off to stand on her back legs and peek out the bedroom window. I don’t know what was so interesting to her at 6:30am.

I spent yesterday doing random live streams on Onlyfans. I started the morning off with a quick-ish shower stream with a $5 admission that no one watched. No worries, everything gets archived and I can resell prior streams. Or, that’s how it’s supposed to work. Unfortunately, yesterday morning’s stream broadcast both audio and video, but only archived audio. All I have is a black video with a horrible noise. I’ll have to try again another day.

Later, I streamed the afternoon spin time for about 2 hours. That felt amazing, because it’s been so long. I had a few people stop in, but no tips, even if I was in my skivvies.

Honestly, it’s not that interesting in the daylight. Or the living room.

Or the shower, for that matter.

We woke up to blizzard warnings. According to the forecast, the snow is supposed to start sometime around dinner. According to the window I’m looking out, the snow is fucking now. We’re looking at about 12″ overnight and into tomorrow. Shawshank remembered to take a “before” picture when he went out for his morning smoke. Depending on how the weather system moves around, we might take the “after” picture when we go out for dinner tonight.


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