Fuck your 2000 pixels.

Good morning, it’s Wednesday. There’s sunshine and gray skies and I don’t know what to believe anymore. Is it warm? Is it cold? WE DON’T KNOW ANYMORE. Weather aside, I’ve been awake, off and on, for a couple of hours now. Fortunately for me, the sleep mask had a full charge last night, and I was able to doze through the morning. I doomscrolled through Reddit before the alarm went off.

Yesterday sucked. The post-nightmare headspace wasn’t great. Between the building anxiety over last week, culminating in the nightmare, yesterday was pretty much just an emotional crash. I may as well have not even existed at all. I finally overcame my executive dysfunction and attempted to finish setting up my Etsy shop, only to have to stop five minutes into it. Unfortunately, I needed to wait for a penny to be deposited into my bank account before they could complete the set up, which didn’t happen until hours later. I finished the pair of pants I’d started on Monday. While they’re cute, there’s just something about them that I don’t like, so that was a disappointment. Was I planning on keeping them in the first place? Probably not, but I definitely prefer actually liking the things I churn out.

Shawshank came home for lunch, bringing home sausages for dinner. We played some Tears of The Kingdom. I played for a few hours before I got frustrated with something and handed off the controller. We watched some CSI and Antiques Roadshow instead.

I’m going to try to have a better day today. My Etsy shop can open, and I have a basic listing saved as a template. I need to take some good pictures (WHERE?!?!), and do some promo. I’ll probably do a live stream or two. Mostly, I want to feel ok, and not like the husk of a broken human.

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