
How to really fuck me up at 5:30 am: replace my regular local news with MSNBC. I feel like I’m in the god damned Twilight Zone.

I woke up to discover one of my Tweets had been retweeted by my favorite musical artist, Amanda Palmer. That was a great start to my morning.

It’s Friday, and I’m a happy camper about it. StressedRPh had an ok shift yesterday, aside from getting a nasty paper cut in the morning. She leaves for her Italian vacation today. We said she should come back to the pharmacy on her way home from the airport and cough directly into our faces. Contaminate all of us. She’s excited about the trip, but not thrilled about staying home for two weeks after. Since today is a shift with BossRPH, I expect it to be an easy one. I’ve decided to reward myself with fast food on Friday nights. After a week of eggs on toast or peanut butter and banana sandwiches, it’s my only real treat.

Look, I’m fucking ADULTING.

I’m going to have a busy day tomorrow. After my workout, I start the morning with going to the post office for my passport. The car needs its inspection renewed, maybe they can tell me why it’s whining. I’ll bring some shit to the comic shop, and DVDs to the store that might buy them off me. I took the time and looked through the binders of trading cards, which contained:

  • a set each of Star Trek and Star Trek TNG from ’91
  • Marvel Comics, ’90 and ’91
  • Joseph Michael Linsner, “Dawn and Beyond”, ’95
  • Linsner’s “Dawn: Another Card Set”, ’98
  • “The Sirius Collection”, ’98

I was a HUGE Linsner fan back in the day, and spent way too much money on his things. I would say I’m sad to see it go, but honestly, I didn’t know I still had it. If I remember correctly, I sold off most of my collection a few years ago. Because I hadn’t seen it in years, I assumed it was part of my “Great Comic Book Cull”. I kept an original sketch from him packed away, and I should probably sell it this weekend, as well.

The rest of the weekend is devoted to sorting out my shit. I want to pack up some stuff to send to Mom. My order of flat rate boxes came in, and I plan to just jam as much as I can into them. If she can ship me random things from the family, I can send them to her.



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