
It’s morning, y’all. And it’s gray. And Chaucer really wants a lap to sleep on. I woke up sometime after the sun came up, but before the alarm went off. I figured I’d use that time to edit smut, until the swamp that lives in my chest decided to shift and I started coughing. When the rattles started, I opted to get out of bed and into an upright position. And now we have coffee.

Friday wasn’t too bad. Most of the day was uncomfortably muggy. I’m usually ok with humidity, but yesterday wasn’t the day. The temperature wasn’t quite warm enough, so the damp was also cool, and I felt gross and clammy. I didn’t even touch Just Dance, I knew I’d feel covered in ick after a couple of songs. I set about to generate some smut, so I hauled some lights into the bedroom and recorded some videos of me slathering myself in lotion.

After I made the bedroom smell like a Bath & Body Works store, I set out to grapple with the sewing machine. I removed part of the upper casing to pull any bits of trash out of the top thread feed. There wasn’t too much, but there was a little bit of schmutz wrapped around one of the thingies. The real treasure was discovered when I pulled up the metal needle plate. I pulled a metric fluff-ton of shit out from in/under/around the bobbin mech. I loaded some thread and attempted the waistband I started the day before. Shit ran smooth.

I’m embarrassed how much better the machine runs now.

Today, we’re going out. It’s a shopping weekend for us, so we’re heading out to Slightly BiggerTown for groceries. Maybe I’ll nap.


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