Expect Delays

Greetings and salutations, darling. It’s Thursday. It’s sunny, but chilly. We supposedly had a chance to see the northern lights last night, and I wanted to go outside and take a look before bed.

Unfortunately, I forgot. No aurora for me.

I really didn’t want to crawl out of bed this morning. I was comfy. I’m all toasty under the pile of blankets.

I did, however, wake up to a special treat: Mal shit in the middle of the kitchen. I had heard him in the box this morning, scratching, but I don’t know that was before or after the actual pooping. Honestly, I’m not sure which would be more ridiculous, the idea of him messing with the litter before the dump, or after. Either way, he’s an odd little cat.

Yesterday’s shift was another crazy one. It started with me being 30 minutes late. I left at my normal time, because all of the traffic reports said there was nothing happening on the roads. However, that was not the case. It took an hour to make my 11-mile commute. The DOT was moving barriers and setting up a lane split. Now that the barriers are in place, I think things might run more smoothly today. Additionally, I won’t be dealing with morning rush hour when I leave.

The rest of the day was just as rough as Monday was, and we were running around like crazy. The new guy applauded how I handled a call from someone who tried to play a game of “just fill everything”. We have a married couple whose meds are handled by their kids. Between the two of them, they fill about 20 prescriptions every month. On top of that, they fill them in two different states. By default, our system doesn’t display things filled at other locations. On top of that, for some baffling reason, it also doesn’t necessarily display things chronologically. For these reasons, I told whichever one of their children – who was calling from her car and probably expected me to fill everything in ten minutes – to call back when she had a list of things she needed filled.

Today, we have fill-in pharmacists working split shifts. It’s a late shift for me, and I don’t know if we’ve ever worked with either of these floaters. It’s incredibly important for my mental state that I do a morning workout. Between my mom questioning me on what I’m doing, and the holidays, and just being a hormonal ball of suck, I need to be physical. I was almost in tears when Shawshank mentioned having my weekly #selfcare dinner tomorrow and I told him I shouldn’t spend what little money I have on ordering from Hometown or Fu-Ming. I shouldn’t be that emotional over sweet potato fries.


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