

Reasons my cat has woken me up as I’m typing this at 5:27 am:

  • 4:51 am: hairball
  • 5:20 am: stinky shit

This bastard’s GI system is a small, interdimensional pocket hell. I’m pretty sure he was performing an exorcism.

Now, I’d like to go back to sleep.

Aside from the morning’s gastric disturbances, it’s been a normal morning. Honestly, it wouldn’t be normal if someone wasn’t horking something up before sunrise.

As it happened, we didn’t need to leave the house yesterday. That was fine by me, because I simply didn’t want to do much of anything at all. I felt completely drained for most of the day. I didn’t do a workout. I feel like I’m a fucking slacker destined to undo all the hard work from two years ago. However, I didn’t stay inside. I went outside after lunch and spun for a little bit.

I cooked dinner for Mom and Brian last night. I don’t cook much, as our food tastes are pretty different. It wasn’t anything super exciting or fancy, just Japanese katsu curry pork chops with egg noodles. Both of them liked it.

I should do a workout today before it gets too hot or starts to rain. Since we didn’t go anywhere yesterday, there’s a better chance it’ll happen today. Enjoy whatever remains of your Tuesday, my friends.


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