Ends In Y

Ends In Y

Oh look, a mass shooting overnight. It must be a day that ends in Y.

It’s Friday morning, and I started in bed a little later today. The cats were snuggling me, and I don’t like to give that up. They hardly ever both snuggle me together. I’ll take that whenever I can.

Today is also day 3 of rain. Mom said it isn’t supposed to start raining until later in the day. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. While it’s not raining yet, we’ve been hearing thunder all morning. It’s only a matter of time.

Of course, that’s as long as what I’m hearing is actually thunder. It could very well be fighter jets from the nearby base. After a month here, I’d like to think I can tell the difference.

I don’t think there’s much on the agenda for today. We usually go out food shopping on Friday after Brian comes home from work. I have to strip a wreath form, because I didn’t read the description properly and it came with fake flowers already on it. I might read some more House of Leaves, because I enjoy discussing it with Shawshank. Fun fact, today marks one year since he first started reading it.

Mal is crying in the bedroom. He doesn’t like thunder, so I don’t expect we’ll see him too much today. The skies just opened up, so no poi today. Just a day to stay inside and watch the rain.


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