

Bonjour, bitches. It’s Tuesday evening, and we’re back from our road trip into Manitoba.

Shawshank headed out to work at the regular time, just to make sure there wasn’t anything pressing to take care of in the shop. I was up and ready to go by the time he came back home at 10am, which is record time for me these days. The chair was packed in the back of the Hot Mess Express, and after a quick stop at the post office, we took off for an adventure.

The weather was cooperative, if not warm. There was fog closer to home, but just enough to make the landscape look like something from an apocalypse movie. We dropped off the chair in a town with street signs all in French, then headed home.

On the way home, we stopped in Slightly BiggerTown. It was the halfway point, and it was a good time for lunch. Another stop in the pharmacy, then a walk through the thrift store for old man sweaters and little boy hoodies.

And now we’re home. Shawshank will make us some burgers for dinner, and we’ve got cuddly cats.


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