We packed my shit last night. Shawshank brought both my suitcases into the living room. We pretty much just emptied them out into the floor and started from scratch. I held back stuff to wear today, and left all of my out for this morning. When our alarm went off at 5am, I laid in bed for a few minutes before I got up and dressed. With an over two hour drive ahead of us, I skipped coffee and opted for just a glass of water.
Shawshank packed me a bunch of muffins his mom sent home with us last weekend. They’re yummy. I’ve got a box of Clif bars stashed in various pockets as well. There’s a metric fuck-ton of Pepto and Gravol in my purse. Considering how little I’ve eaten in the last week, I doubt much of anything will be needed. I might grab some Imodium for good measure, for peace of mind, but I’ll be fine either way.
And so begins my 24 hours in a mask.
I’m not worried about the layover in Vancouver. It’s about 4½ hours, I have plenty of time to get through customs and find where I need to be. Shawshank tried to show me the airport map, but Vancouver is fucking huge. I know by the time I’m actually there, whatever we discussed will be well and truly gone from my brain.
I made it through security – eventually. I was allowed to keep my boots on, but had to take my poncho off. My vape was confused for a butane touch lighter and got extra examination. I’ve decided the number of poi sets that can be packed in one carry-on bag is ~2, otherwise things look really scary to the security workers.
We interrupt this post to bring you the following important message: I’m in the air.

We’re not sure if my bags are going to make it all the way to Pensacola due to the length of my flight. The airline attendant wasn’t entirely certain because overnight flights sometimes need to have bags retrieved and then checked at counter again. I’m hoping they go all the way, because I really don’t want to deal with lost clothes.
Every now and then, we fly close enough to something for my phone to pick up a cell signal. I just got a text from Shawshank letting me know he’s heading back home to the Flat. In a couple of hours, I’ll be landing in Vancouver just about the same time he gets back into TinyTown.
Three stops ahead of me. Tomorrow, Pensacola. Brian made it clear I’ll be back before the games start, and I plan to ask Mom stop along the way back to the house.
Safe travels and I’m sending all my positive vibes your way. It makes me ridiculously happy the two of you back together. I can’t wait for more