Dyes and Fries

Dyes and Fries

Good morning, happy Friday, all that good shit. I was awake early again, hit by a pre-dawn air quality attack. After hoping I could simply will my respiratory system to control itself – and failing – I gave up. I went into the living room for my inhaler, then settled in bed and hoped I didn’t need to move onto the couch. Fortunately, two or three puffs had my airways open and ready for business once more.

I finished the two pairs of tie dye pants yesterday. They were definitely a learning experience. In our excitement to get to dying them, I had only sewn up the raw edges. Now I’ve learned I can’t half-ass that shit because the thread won’t be dyed to match.

They turned out nicely. The fabric is (mostly) great to work with; unlike the VERY LONG TABLECLOTH, this fabric doesn’t blow shredded fibers everywhere. The tablecloth was the perfect size, cutting it in quarters made two pairs of pants with zero waste. Their colors aren’t as vibrant as Shawshank‘s shirt turned out, but they’re different materials and I expected it. My first attempt to make a spiral turned out as an actual spiral, but I’ll reconsider where I initially start its center on the next pair.* I have one more tablecloth left, and I already have plans for the dyes.

Today, I’m uploading shit to Etsy. I need to get the pile of completed pants into the inventory closet and off Pippin’s shelf so she can enjoy it again. Shawshank will go off to work, I’ll take a bath while the robot comes out and does the vacuuming. After I emerge from the tub, all pink and clean, I’ll assume a human form. Then, I can straighten Etsy out. Today’s goal is inventory management. All the pictures are ready to go, and so are the pants. I’ll figure out how to fill my afternoon when I’ve finished all the other work.

And we’re going to have a delicious dinner out, and enjoy the weekend.

* It’s like I made a giant sign that says LOOK AT MY GOODIES!


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