don’t start no shit

don’t start no shit

Greetings and salutations, y’all. It’s another sunny morning. The forecast is calling for some sun and a little bit of a warm up. The massive shift in the weather, plus all the harvest I spent the last week driving through, is causing all sorts of issues in my chest. I’m improving slowly. I figure I’ll be back to 100% just in time for the deep freeze to hit.

The cats haven’t had any spats this morning. They’ve improved relations a little bit every day. Currently, they’re both walking around the house. They give each other wide berths. We left them alone for a little while yesterday while we were outside. Shawshank opened the windows so we could hear any kerfluffles before they could get out of hand. He kept his ears open while he did some gardening; I put earbuds in and spun poi. One of the locals came over to welcome me.

Shawshank is back to work this morning. I’ve been tasked with finding a spot for my weights and keeping the cats from causing shit.

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