Doe, a deer.

Doe, a deer.

Good morning, world. The new week is upon us. The sun is rising and it’s actually sunny and clear. I think after the weekend we’ve seen here, we fucking deserve the sunlight. Thankfully, the snow stopped by yesterday morning and Shawshank shoveled out the patio and the walkways. It’s not wet snow, but it was blown around and drifting for the entirety of the storm, and Shawshank said it’s packed heavy.

He managed to convince me to go outside for a few minutes while he cleared snow. I popped my earbuds in and brought out the nice poi.


I’ve been cooped up in the house like the feral little goblin I am #poi #flowarts #flowartsmovement

♬ Sirtaki (Zorba the Geek) – LucasGitanoFamily

Things actually started melting a little yesterday. Most of the town sidewalks look clear, and the roads’ surface – while not clear – look no different than their pre-storm conditions. The big pine in the yard is filled with icicles so perfectly formed that the whole thing looks like a Christmas prop.

We spent most of the day playing Breath of The Wild again. The two of us have opened up about the same number of areas in the map. Opening new maps seems to be the current goal for the two of us. I think right now the object of the game is not to advance the story line, because that would require boss fights. Boss fights are fucking scary. Not scary? Speedrunning the Forgotten Temple for shits and giggles.

Mondays continue to be SLOTH MODE BRUNCH DAY for us. We’re in comfy clothes. Shawshank has a cat in his lap. We’re changing things up this week and making waffles instead of the holy breakfast trinity of bacon/eggs/potato.

Mmmmm. Waffles.


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