We weren’t expecting rain this morning, but it’s what we have, so we’ll deal. I woke up around 5am, and the wind was strong enough to make the bedroom blinds clatter. It’s raining right now, just a bit. Shawshank says none of this was in the forecast. The forecast is almost never what we expect, it’s a meteorological pirate’s code.

Everywhere I’ve lived, the locals always say shit like “if you don’t like the weather, just wait a minute”. TinyTown is no different.
Yesterday was a long day for us. Shawshank brought me along to help with a delivery. The drive out was nice. TinyTown was overcast and hazy, but an hour or two of driving later and we were under sunny, cloudless skies. The clients were happy, and tipped us enough to buy lunch at McDonald’s on our way home. And that is exactly what we did, after a quick jaunt into Walmart for cat things and other miscellaneous shit.
The sun is out now.
We spent the remainder of the day on the couch. Shawshank played some Tears of The Kingdom and I watched videos.
The wind will keep me inside today, but I’ve got some ideas I want to play with. I bought a new plaid skirt, and I wanna recoup its cost.