death valley florida

death valley florida

I bought a coffee mug a few weeks ago. It’s a cute enameled metal mug, and it suuuucks. I don’t know if it’s a shitty enamel or what, but it heats up so much I can’t even hold it.

Chaucer is being a dick this morning. He walked up and gave Knickknack a creepy sniff while she was sleeping. Then he hid behind his toybox and stared at her. Eventually he came out and jumped into the built-in shelves, sitting comfortably and aggressively staring at Mom, daring her to make him leave.

Mom is miserable. She needs to call the doctor, but they just opened at 8am, and “everyone else is calling” (current time: 8:20am). She’d rather sit in her chair and be miserable “waiting” than face the possibility of being on hold for five minutes. If I think about it, I wind up angry, so I’m venting with Shawshank and my friends on a Discord server.

I have to make a trip to the post office today. I’m going to break up a box from the spare room to make something that will hold that modular staff. I’ll be able to find a padded envelope for the lightwhip in their lobby. I’ll stop in at the smoke shop as well, since it’s on the way, and maybe I’ll actually get to talk to the owner for a change.


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