Good morning, from the other side of another random plague. We have coffee. There’s flurries outside. The cats are confused because half of the blankets they want to cuddle in are in a pile to be washed.
I was fine for most of yesterday. I woke up feeling fine. We watched some Netflix and had lunch. Sometime in the afternoon, things went bad and I started feeling off. I had been drinking water all day, but hadn’t had any soda, and thought that was probably behind the off-ness. A single sip of my soda and my stomach flipping was enough to prove my theory wrong. I knew I was in for a fun time when the chills and sweats started. In an attempt to stave off the inevitable, I headed in for my first of three hot showers last night. Between showers, I slept and sweat.
I camped out in the living room for the night. The last thing I need to deal with is a 30lb weighted blanket when I’m trying to race to the bathroom. Pippin joined me, and together we watched my favorite thing to put on when I’m sick, Fantastic Fungi.

She literally sat like this for about 20 minutes, watching the screen. Eventually, she reached Nirvana and settled into loaf mode.

The unfortunate side effect of this bullshit is now I have to force myself to stay awake as much as possible today.