Colorful DIY Hair Installation and Date Night Fun

Colorful DIY Hair Installation and Date Night Fun

The sun is here. Don’t you fucking scare it.

Yesterday, I took a day off from the bullshit involved with trying to sell a shitload of weird pants. I played games. Shawshank handled the washing/drying, and I hung them on the rack. That’s fucking teamwork.

I only got snarky with him once, when he asked if I planned to iron any of them. I told him I was already wasting a shitload of time on a pointless task because I’ll sell one pair to someone who will buy them out of pity. That was not an appropriate reply, I guess.

The latest hair installation is sticking around nicely. The last time I did it, I wasn’t good about keeping things tidy at the base. As a result, they were uncomfortable by the second or third day; no matter how I arranged them, they were twisting my hair. I skipped the curly-locs this time around, and did nothing but noodles this time around, with lots of bright colors. I love it.

The locs I made myself are holding up. I had some misgivings about both sets, for different reasons. One set isn’t crochet-wrapped and is a bit thinner than the ones I bought. Instead, I heat set them, so I worried they’d simply unravel. They’re fine. The glow locs were most concerning, as that hair is very thick and not nearly as soft as the other stuff. Most of them felt very stiff and waxy after I made them, but fortunately, they’ve softened up fabulously. It’s taking all of my restraint to not buy more glow hair, because I FUCKING LOVE IT.

Actually, amend that statement: I want to buy all the hair. I can make much cooler shit than I could buy. I want a pastel pile of pink and white and blue glowworms. Also, I want rainbow noodles with black. Oh, and I want a straight up pink/turquoise/black vaporwave theme.

Today is Friday, and that means it’s Date Night. Shawshank is working the morning shift. Because we’ll be dealing with the yard sale tomorrow, we’re driving out to Slightly BiggerTown to do some shopping this afternoon. We’re hitting the dispo, otherwise I won’t be a well-behaved, friendly person tomorrow.


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