Greetings and Hump Day salutations, y’all. We’ve emerged from the bedroom. I was cold this morning, which means I didn’t sweat to death overnight.
Yesterday was for crafts and Skyrim. After Shawshank went to work, I pulled out the seam ripper and undid the stitching in Lil Vest 1.0’s arm holes. The vest desperately needed to be ironed by then, as it was in a literal ball folded into itself. I ironed it, plunked it on the body, and pinned the armholes in the proper position. By that point, the good light was dying, and it was just about dinner time.
I played Skyrim for an hour or two after dinner. I didn’t have any goals, I mostly wanted something else to focus on while listening to Trump’s latest speech. The first thing I did was buy some healing potions, kill a dude, and grab the gloves I wanted. Since I wouldn’t hear the audio clues alerting me to nearby enemies over the blowhard on my second screen, I backtracked out of the sewer. I stayed above ground, running around and grabbing quests from innkeepers. I also sold off some of my hoard of poisons; I’m unarmed, there’s no need to carry all of the Mr. Yuk specials.
Shawshank has today off, so we’re being sloths. We’ll figure it out.