
Morning, y’all. It’s Friday. It’s gray at the moment, but if today is at all like yesterday, most of the clouds will burn off by lunch. Without so much cloud cover, I’m sure we’ll have a primo view of the forest fire smoke for the remainder of the day.

Just as I’ve been planning/threatening, I went with clown makeup yesterday. It’s always an enormous amount of fun doing it. I definitely veer more towards the glam end of the spectrum versus a traditional style. Since I was smart and pre-planned outfit, I quickly dressed and I headed into the bedroom to take some pics. The lighting was bad, so I definitely didn’t take as many as I’d have liked. I took some though, and that’s what matters to my three subscribers.

I was smart enough to do the makeup after playing Just Dance, but I kept it on while I streamed some spin time. Spin time failed, however; streaming flow arts and music causes a lot of upstream lag. The stream plays normally for about 5 secs, then the video freezes for another 15-20 while the audio continues. At that point, the video unfreezes (thaws?), speeds through the frozen footage to catch up to the audio, and repeats the cycle.

The sun is up, and I’ve been up since before Shawshank left. Pippin makes a somewhat loud but very distinct warning meow when she’s going to be sick, which is what woke me up before 5am. Depending on how I feel, I might nap this afternoon. He’ll be home this afternoon, and we’ll relax before Date Night. Tomorrow, we’re going shopping in Slightly BiggerTown.



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