Cats and balls and that’s it

Cats and balls and that’s it

Well, happy fucking Monday to you. I feel like it’s going to be one of those days. At the same time, I don’t know what that even means, just that it will be more of it than normal.

We went shopping yesterday, and Mom found the yard tchotchkes she was looking for. We also picked up a paint sample for the front door. Thankfully, we didn’t go into any shops that actually interested me, and I didn’t buy anything pointless.

However, I did manage to get in a couple of spin sessions. I’ve managed to unlock the basics of two moves this week. I’m excited to work out their kinks, since both moves form the core of a lot of other moves.

The retail therapy poi from last week haven’t shipped yet. I wasn’t expecting it, really. They’re coming from one of the the dwindling numbers of Etsy shops with an owner who actually makes things herself instead of buying bulk Chinese shit to mark up. I believe they’ll ship out towards the end of this week. In the meantime, the fabric poi I made myself are just fine.

The clouds are moving in today, and the forecast calls for rain starting this afternoon. I’d like to be able to get some spin time in before the weather turns. That will be the most strenuous thing happening. I need to call the vet and make appointments for the cats’ shots. Maybe I’ll drag their litter box outside for a good scrub.


1 Comment

  1. It’s hazy here because of the wildfires. It’ll be a quiet day here methinks.

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