Category: Life in General

March 9, 2019 / Legal Matters

Guess who’s sitting in the tire shop getting new back tires? That’d be me. We went outside Thursday morning and had a flat. It looks like I’m kicking it here for an hour or two. This is not something I want to be doing, mostly because I’m missing out on my Saturday workout. He’s working…

March 8, 2019 / Family

Sometimes, I just can’t even. Just. Cant. I don’t even know how to begin to answer this. Mom: Aunt and Uncle are driving up in April. If you would like to escape for a couple of weeks you could drive down here with them and we would buy you a ticket home. Seriously? First, and…

February 12, 2019 / Life in General

Today marks another year on this planet. I’ve made the journey around the sun 42 times now. Every year, I feel like it’s been a learning experience in the most extreme ways. This past year, I’ve learned a lot, both about myself, the world, and other people. Life forced me to learn about never trusting…