Another Year Older

Today marks another year on this planet. I’ve made the journey around the sun 42 times now. Every year, I feel like it’s been a learning experience in the most extreme ways.

This past year, I’ve learned a lot, both about myself, the world, and other people. Life forced me to learn about never trusting that things are ok when my gut is screaming that it’s no, nothing is ok. I’ve seen the darkest side of my marriage, and I’m honestly not sure how well I can recover from everything that’s happened.

In spite of all that’s happened, I learned that I can be strong when I need to be. There were days when I needed to confront the past and accept things. I made some changes in how I mentally handled things. When times got really hard, I reached out instead of turning inward. Some people gave me the support I needed, others offered harsh truths. But everyone taught me something. I’m reminded of someone’s quote in one of my yearbooks.

This year has taught me how to love and how to hate, and I’d like to thank the people who taught me both.

You know who you are.


  1. John H
    February 12, 2019

    Happy Birthday Crystal, hope I was helpful to some extent at least! May this year be full of better things, what ever that may be! 🙂

    • crystal
      February 12, 2019

      You were one of the good ones 🙂

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