Category: Artsy Fartsy

January 22, 2020 / Artsy Fartsy

As you can see, there’s been more painting. The other night, he told me he had to stop for the night because he had a headache. “I’m holding my breath when I’m doing the fine lines,” he said. Last night, he did the eyes and base. This morning, it was “I don’t know if they…

January 20, 2020 / Artsy Fartsy

I got to do a quick workout while he was at group, before getting ready to go food shopping. We were heading to the car when he told me, “I don’t know exactly how to get to Chapel View and I want to go to the Warhammer store.” Friday night, he said we’d go there…

December 1, 2019 / Artsy Fartsy

Good morning, my lovelies. ☕ We’re gearing up for some snow later today, which is why we did everything that needed to be done yesterday. They’re still unsure exactly how much snow we can expect. We could get all rain, we could get a few inches of the white stuff. At the moment, it’s supposed…