

Welcome to a new week. It’s Monday, and it’s time to get going. I’ve had my shit going since about 2:06am, when we had and absolutely wild thunderstorm roll through and wake me. Brian was up, too. He’s not feeling well, so he’s home for the day.

We had jambalaya at the Compound. It was ok. It tasted mostly like an order of Popeyes chicken’s Cajun rice, but it had actual sausage bits. If I hadn’t seen Brian’s dad make it, I may have wondered if I missed the Uber Eats delivery.

Drunkle was smoking a joint in his truck (on the front lawn) when we showed up for dinner. He offered me some later when I was alone in the backyard with him. I declined. I don’t like judging a book by its cover, but he looks like he’d test positive for something. What it might be, I don’t know. I don’t care to know, but the man’s a carrier. Even if it’s just his personal brand of negative energy – which he has in abundance – I don’t need that.

We need to do some shopping today. A couple of things didn’t make it onto the shopping list last weekend. I want to go to the smoke shop. Mom and I planned to go out and get some plants. With Brian home, I’m not sure what’s happening, but at least I probably won’t need to drive.


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