but will we read them?

but will we read them?

Good morning, world. Happy Thursday to y’all. The sun is coming up, and that’s about all I’m promising.

Yesterday was a boring day in the Flat. I watched some murdery stuff in the morning, until Shawshank came home for lunch. The murdery stuff became both more and less interesting when someone called in a bomb threat. When the court broke for evacuation and lunch, I assumed they would be dismissed for the rest of the day. Once Shawshank went back to work and I defeated my executive dysfunction, I filled the tub and started “work” for the afternoon. I ended up missing some testimony, but I’ll live.

Shawshank has an eye appointment today, so he has another day off. We’ll head out to Slightly BiggerTown this morning for the exam, with me probably white-knuckling it the entire way. Since this is a rare weekday trip, I’ve been promised a trip to the thrift stores. We’ll grab some lunch while we’re out there. We’ll stop at the post office on the way home, because there’s a lot of stuff coming to the post office this week.

Update: I forgot to post this morning, and we’ve already gone out and come back home.

Shawshank survived his eye exam, and we had a tasty lunch. We were lucky enough to get to the secondhand store just as someone was dropping off bag loads of Stephen King books. In a turn of luck, the shop was having a book sale, $1/bag. Shawshank started packing books back into one of the giant plastic bags used to drop them off. We left with a pile of classic paperbacks to replace a lot of the ones I lost in the move, with extras.

We stopped at the grocery on the way out of town, and Shawshank ran in and bought us a pizza for dinner and some snacks.


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