Good morning, world. Another chilly morning out there, but it doesn’t look like there’s any snow on the horizon for us. Chill aside, it’s fucking Friday. Friday is always good. I’ve been awake since just before sunrise, as usual. It is what it is. We pushed the bedtime out as much as Shawshank can handle and still comfortably wake up in time for work.
I did my usual things yesterday. I overdid my makeup and took some pictures. My nwfw account is currently in ghost mode on Twitter, so engagement is way down, which means luring in potential subscribers is waaaaaay down. However, I’ve been supplementing my Twitter schmoozing with TikTok spin time streams. I managed to get my screen mirroring to work, which allowed me to see more viewer comments, if not all of them. Favorite comments included
- “whose grandma is this?”
- “anyone else waiting to see her break the tv?”
- “watch out for your ceiling fan” – we don’t have one, but that didn’t stop me from looking up to check I wouldn’t hit one
- “the circus called, they said ‘no’.”
I didn’t have as many viewers as the previous day, but that was ok with me. I’m still working out the best angle/position to set up the tripod, but I think that’s almost narrowed down. Regardless of how many people stop in and watch, the streams get me off the couch.
Once Shawshank came home, I made us a dinner of shrimp fajita bowls. They turned out super tasty. Even better, there was plenty for him to have lunch this afternoon. While I cooked, he texted his mother and made arrangements to take them out to dinner tonight. His dad’s birthday is this weekend. Rather than try to find something nearby or deal with shipping costs and time, Shawshank suggested a double shrimp platter would be an acceptable gift.
Shawshank called me to the backdoor while he prepped a late evening smoke. “They look like clouds”, he said, indicating towards the sky, “but they’re moving too fast.” I went to the door to take a look. Sure enough, lights. They really did look like thin, very wispy clouds blowing across the sky. However, you only had to watch them for a little while to realize the “clouds” weren’t so much blowing as flickering. The lights grew more obviously not clouds as our eyes adjusted.

We both took a bunch of pictures, and I texted my mom to see if she wanted a Facetime call to see if she could see them. Unfortunately, she was asleep and missed out. If it had been warmer, we would have gone outside of town to take some pictures.
I think today will be pretty similar to the last few days. I’ll shower and stream, and take on the human shape. By that point, it will be almost lunchtime, and Shawshank will be home for break. I have some schmoozing to do before that. After lunch, I’ll probably do some other stuff. I’m trying to get back into my routine again, whatever that routine might be.