
Good morning, y’all. Happy Monday. We finished the holiday with about a foot of snow and a wind that blew it into deeper drifts. The weather stopped sometime yesterday evening. Today looks clear. Cold as fuck, and the wind is back to some extent, but it’s not snowing.

We survived the holiday. Shawshank made us a meal of Kraft Dinner and sausages for lunch. For the most part, we watched diorama builds on YouTube until it was time to go visit Gram. We spent an hour or so at Gram’s, then spent the rest of the afternoon at Shady Acres. I’m pretty much set for colored pencils, brushes, legwarmers and bras from now until the actual apocalypse. Shawshank was gifted a much needed eye exam.

I tried out the new sleepytime combination earbuds/eye mask rig overnight. It’s way more comfortable than sleeping with earbuds in. As a bonus, Pippin can’t eat its cords like she will with my other earbuds. I still woke up around 4am, too hot, but I rearranged the mask and had a restless morning nap. The new phone handled the overnight shift way more efficiently than my last one. My Pixel 4 would have drained at least half its battery, while the Pixel 6 only lost 9%.

Today we’re returning to sloth mode. Shawshank‘s got an episode of Trapped Under Plastic on the TV and is puttering around the house. I’m pondering which jammies I want to spend the day in. There’s been some talk about whether or not to just stick me in the tub with the “fancy special occasion” joint that tried to kill me last night. We’ll probably try to set up and play a basic game of Godtear, and have some leftover turkey sandwiches.


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